
to ensure the project's responsiveness to the needs of older adults with dementia and their caregivers.

The MARSS project is working with various partners

About us

MARSS: A multidisciplinary project that uses robotics and smart home tech to reduce caregiver burden and improve AD care.

This multidisciplinary project brings together experts from Robotics, Software security, Occupational therapy, Exercise science, Nursing, and Gerontology to design a robotics-based caregiving support framework for persons with AD.
Preparing students to make meaningful contributions to society as leaders in a complex world. The MARSS project is being developed and tested in accordance with the NIH Stage Model of Intervention Development.

University Partners

These universities bring together a wealth of expertise in robotics, software security, occupational therapy, exercise science, nursing, and gerontology.

Clinical Advisory Board

Experts in home health care for AD from these two community agencies will serve on our clinical advisory board

Community Partners

The MARSS project is working with a variety of community partners to ensure that the project is responsive to the needs of older adults with dementia and their caregivers. These partners include: